How to grow Fennel at home

Fennel is a medicinal plant. It has been used in many forms for centuries. You can also use it fresh by growing it at home.

Choose the right place

The Fennel plant needs adequate sunlight to grow. So choose a place in your home that receives sufficient sunlight. It requires at least 6 to 8 hours of sunlight a day. 

Prepare the soil 

The plant grows in well-drained soil, so to grow it at home, the soil should have good drainage and be rich in organic matter.  

You can use seeds to grow fennel. Sow the seeds at least a quarter of the way into the soil and keep a distance of 12 to 18 inches between each plant so that the plants can grow easily. 

Watering the plant 

Water it daily to keep the soil moist. Water it regularly but don’t let it get waterlogged. This can cause its root to rot.

Weed control 

Keep removing the weeds growing around the plants from time to time so that there is no reduction in the growth of the plant.

Harvesting on time 

The right time to harvest fennel bulbs is when they reach a good size. It can be harvested 3 to 5 months after planting the plant.  

Special care in winter 

Fennel plants cannot bear the cold. In such a situation, you can do mulching around it to protect it from the cold.