Solanum nigrum commonly known as Makoi. It is a member of the Solanaceae family. In this article, we will learn about the position of leaves, flowers, and fruits of Solanum nigrum.

Scientific Name: Solanum nigrum
Some Basic Information about Solanum nigrum
Habit- A wild herb
Root– Branched tap root system.
Stem– Erect, aerial, woody below and herbaceous above, cylindrical with distinct ribs, solid, branched, green.
Leaf– Alternate, simple, exstipulate, petiolate, ovate, repand, acute apex, glabrous, unicostate, reticulate venation.
Inflorescence– Extra-axillary helicoid cymes.
Flower– Ebracteate, pedicellate, complete, hermaphrodite, actinomorphic, pentamerous, hypogynous, small and white.
Calyx– Sepals 5, gamosepalous, pentafid, valvate aestivation, persistent, green, hairy.
Corolla– Petals 5, gamopetalous, rotate, valvate aestivation, five-lobed, white.
Androecium– Stamens 5, polyandrous, epipetalous, alternate to petals, filaments short, equal in length, anther long, dithecous, and introrse.
Gynoecium– Bicarpellary, syncarpous, ovary superior, bilocular, axile, and swollen placenta. Ovules many in each locule. Ovary obliquely placed, style simple, hairy, stigma bilobed.
Fruit– A berry.
Seed– Endospermic.
Floral formula–
Ebr ⊕ ⚥ K(5) C(5) A5 G(2)
Systematic Position:
Division – Phanerogamia
Subdivision – Angiospermae
Class – Dicotyledonae
Subclass – Gamopetalae
Series – Bicarpellatae
Order – Polemoniales
Family – Solanaceae
Genus – Solanum
Species – nigrum