The Medicinal Plants

Allium cepa (Onion): Plant Overview

Allium cepa is commonly known as Onion. It is a member of the Liliaceae family.  In this article, we will learn about the position of leaves, flowers, and fruits of Allium cepa.
Allium cepa (Onion): Plant Overview

Scientific Name: Allium cepa

Some Basic Information about Allium cepa

Habit– A cultivated herb. 
Root– Adventitious, fibrous. 
Stem– Underground tunicated bulb. 
Leaf– Radicle, cylindrical, leaf base sheathing, hollow. 
Inflorescence– Apparently terminal umbel on the leafless scape, 2-3 membranous bracts may enclose the young umbel. 
Flower– Bracteate, pedicellate, actinomorphic, complete, hermaphrodite, hypogynous. 
PerianthTepals 6, arranged in two whorls of 3 each, gamophyllous, imbricate aestivation. 
Androecium– Stamens 6, in two whorls of 3 each, polyandrous, epiphyllous, anthers long, dithecous, dorsifixed, and introrse. 
GynoeciumTricarpellary, syncarpous, superior ovary, trilocular, axile placentation, style short, stigma minute. 
Fruit– Capsule.
Floral formula– Br ⊕ ⚥ P3+3 A3+3 G(3) 
Systematic Position:
Division – Phanerogamia
Subdivision – Angiospermae
Class – Monocotyledonae
Series – Coronarieae
Family – Liliaceae
Genus – Allium 
Species – cepa
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